Hello happy little children,
Well, you have seen the movie and most of you have read the book. What are the differences? Let your comments flow...
This is a Primary school class blog for 9 to 10year olds. It is used for daily school work (especially weblinks) & projects.
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Mr Azhari
In the book, there is a character called silk worm but there is no silkworm in the movie
Ya, i agree with him. Mr Azhari, why the textbook did not write out the whole chapter of it and why must they change some of the parts?
Mr Azhari, I agree with Yi Jing too. in the book, there are two character called Miss Spider and silkworm, and in the movie, I don't understand the spider or the silkworm look alike or did they change the story.
Ya I agree with Cassandra and Ho Yi Jing
Yes, one obvious difference is that Silkworm is missing. There are others. Can you find them?
Sometimes it differs in movies because of the directors or producers. They may not just want to follow the book throughout, they want to put their own version to it. It happened in popular movies like the X-men, Spiderman, Batman and many more adaptations of comics or books. BUT sometimes there are movies which are made after the book without any changes. The closest I can think of is the recent movie Ironman.
Mr Azhari, I think the textbook and the movie are all correct as some people may change the ending of a certain story. There are some stories with different endings.
the movie was a little funny but some of the people are missing in the show and we did not finish the movie sad!!
Obviously,there is no silkworm but i can't tell wheather if there are any extra character which was not mentioned in the book.
I agree with Ho Yen and the others who say that there was no silkworm.
Mr Azhari, i found one more diffence, in the textbook they said the aunts called him 'you disgusting little beast' or 'you filthy nuisance' or 'you miserable creature' but in the story ,they did not call him that
Mr Azhari, I Agree with Yi Jing and kah Yee's comment as the story written on the textbook is very different with the story shown in the movie. There is no silkworm. The most strangest thing was that the rhinoceros that escape from the zoo had suddenly appear in the sky and come out from the clouds, causing lightning and thunder!The silkworm is suppose to save James and centipede, but it turn out to be spider.The story printed on the textbook only said chapter one's story.
i agree with Yi Jing too there is no silkworm inthe story and aunt sponge and spiker did not call James 'you miserable creature'or 'you filthy nuisance'and the movie was a little funny but some of the people are missing in the show and we did not finish the movie sad!!
Very GOOD children! More comparisons! Yes, the rhino is actually a storm cloud and the aunts didn't really called James disgusting names. And Spider spunned her web and not Silkworm.Do you think there's more???
Mr. Azhari, I think that the story in our textbook did not explain clearly. And JAMES said to pull pull three tugs but in the movie, he said two. And also, the OLD GREEN GRASSHOPPER did not play the funeral march in the movie.
mr azahri old green grasshopper is called mr garasshopper and not old green grasshopper and it did not play the songs......
I agree with Jonathan. Can u show us the ending 2morrow?
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